Stop Foreclosure Fast: How Kelly Legal Group Can Help You With Mortgage Lender Troubles

In the world of real estate, unforeseen financial challenges can quickly lead to foreclosure, putting homeowners' most valuable investments at risk. When faced with the prospect of losing their homes, acting swiftly becomes paramount. This guide, "Stop Foreclosure Fast: How Kelly Legal Group Can Help You With Mortgage Lender Troubles," sheds light on effective strategies [...]

By |September 13th, 2023|Financial|Comments Off on Stop Foreclosure Fast: How Kelly Legal Group Can Help You With Mortgage Lender Troubles

Actions You Can Take to Stop The Foreclosure Process

  When you are behind on your mortgage payments, you might be worried about the possibility of losing your home to foreclosure. Under Texas law, if you fail to make your payments, your mortgage company has the right to initiate the foreclosure process and take possession of your home without any judicial intervention whatsoever. With [...]

By |July 15th, 2022|Foreclosure|Comments Off on Actions You Can Take to Stop The Foreclosure Process

Real Estate Foreclosure – Understanding The Process

When you get a loan to purchase a property, you enter into a contract with the lender and agree to repay the loan in accordance with the payment schedule spelled out in said contract. If you fail to do so, the lender has the right to seize your property and sell it to a third [...]

By |May 23rd, 2022|Foreclosure|Comments Off on Real Estate Foreclosure – Understanding The Process

What You Need to Know About Texas Foreclosure Laws

Are you facing a potential foreclosure on your home? When your budget is tight it doesn’t take much to get behind on your house payments. And once you’re 120 days behind, your mortgage lender has the right to begin the process of foreclosure.  But even if you’ve missed payments, you still have rights in this [...]

By |October 8th, 2021|Foreclosure|Comments Off on What You Need to Know About Texas Foreclosure Laws

Short Sale vs Foreclosure: What’s the Difference?

Short Sale vs Foreclosure: What’s the Difference? When a homeowner struggles with making mortgage payments, they may be in danger of losing their home. If you have found yourself in this situation, you have a few options:  Foreclosure. The lender seizes the property. Short Sale. The property is sold before foreclosure. Deed in Lieu of [...]

By |July 21st, 2021|Foreclosure|Comments Off on Short Sale vs Foreclosure: What’s the Difference?

What Should I Expect During the Foreclosure Process?

Are you facing foreclosure on your home? This is not uncommon with the current economic situation in Texas and across the country. Sometimes you experience changes to your income or budget after buying a home and find that you can no longer afford the mortgage payment you once could. It only takes a few missed [...]

By |May 5th, 2021|Foreclosure, Financial|Comments Off on What Should I Expect During the Foreclosure Process?