About Jeff Kelly

Jeff Kelly, a partner at our firm and a standout real estate lawyer in Austin, boasts a remarkable journey from CFO to legal expert, marked by his summa cum laude graduation from John Marshall School of Law. Admitted to the Texas Bar in 2004, Jeff's passion extends beyond the courtroom as a private pilot and outdoor enthusiast, enjoying travel, boating, and skiing with his family.

How Do You Put a Lien on a Property?

A lien is a legal claim to the property by someone other than the current owner. Not sure how or why someone can put a lien on a property? A lien can be placed for a variety of reasons, but it typically revolves around a debt of some kind. If a property owner owes a [...]

By |December 1st, 2021|Real Estate Law|Comments Off on How Do You Put a Lien on a Property?

Does Title Insurance Cover Property Line Disputes?

Title insurance is typically required for any real estate transaction where there is a transfer of ownership from one party to another. The purpose of title insurance is to provide financial protection in the case of contested ownership of a property. In other words, when multiple parties claim ownership of the property in question and [...]

By |November 16th, 2021|Real Estate Law|Comments Off on Does Title Insurance Cover Property Line Disputes?

How Do You Read a Title Report and Find Liens on a Property?

Purchasing property is a significant financial investment. Whether it’s a home or a commercial property, there are always some risks involved. One of those risks involves real estate title liens. The seller of the property must have a clean and clear title for the property before it can be legally sold. If a buyer purchases [...]

By |October 15th, 2021|Real Estate Law|Comments Off on How Do You Read a Title Report and Find Liens on a Property?

What You Need to Know About Texas Foreclosure Laws

Are you facing a potential foreclosure on your home? When your budget is tight it doesn’t take much to get behind on your house payments. And once you’re 120 days behind, your mortgage lender has the right to begin the process of foreclosure.  But even if you’ve missed payments, you still have rights in this [...]

By |October 8th, 2021|Foreclosure|Comments Off on What You Need to Know About Texas Foreclosure Laws

How to Negotiate a Commercial Lease

A commercial lease is used when renting a space to use for commercial purposes. If you own a business and need a place for your business to operate, renting a space is usually the best option. This is especially true for new businesses that are just starting up. When you rent a commercial property you [...]

By |September 24th, 2021|Real Estate Law|Comments Off on How to Negotiate a Commercial Lease

How an Attorney Can Assist with a Contract Dispute

A contract is a legally binding document that outlines the responsibilities and duties of each party involved in the contract. Once the contract is signed, it is binding. Failure by either party to uphold the terms of the contract is considered a breach of contract. Unfortunately, contract breaches occur quite frequently, especially in the business [...]

By |September 17th, 2021|Business Law|Comments Off on How an Attorney Can Assist with a Contract Dispute

Commercial Lease Types Explained

Commercial real estate law encompasses a wide range of legal matters pertaining to the ownership, sale, and use of the commercial property. Under the umbrella of commercial real estate law falls commercial leases. A commercial lease is used when a business rents a commercial property from an owner/landlord. Commercial leases are often quite a bit [...]

By |August 18th, 2021|Real Estate Law|Comments Off on Commercial Lease Types Explained

What is Eminent Domain? A Guide to Your Rights and Fair Compensation

Eminent domain grants local, state, and federal governments the legal authority to take private property for public use. But what happens when the land you've built your life on is suddenly no longer yours? While this may sound alarming, the law requires the government to provide property owners with fair compensation—though what’s deemed 'fair' is [...]

By |August 4th, 2021|Real Estate Law|Comments Off on What is Eminent Domain? A Guide to Your Rights and Fair Compensation

Short Sale vs Foreclosure: What’s the Difference?

Short Sale vs Foreclosure: What’s the Difference? When a homeowner struggles with making mortgage payments, they may be in danger of losing their home. If you have found yourself in this situation, you have a few options:  Foreclosure. The lender seizes the property. Short Sale. The property is sold before foreclosure. Deed in Lieu of [...]

By |July 21st, 2021|Foreclosure|Comments Off on Short Sale vs Foreclosure: What’s the Difference?

How To Get Rid Of Your Criminal Record

Do you have an incident on your record that you would like to have removed? If you want to get rid of your criminal record, there are steps you can take to try and get your record cleared. Whether or not this will be possible for you depends on a variety of factors, such as: [...]

By |July 7th, 2021|Criminal Law|Comments Off on How To Get Rid Of Your Criminal Record
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