About Jeff Kelly

Jeff Kelly, a partner at our firm and a standout real estate lawyer in Austin, boasts a remarkable journey from CFO to legal expert, marked by his summa cum laude graduation from John Marshall School of Law. Admitted to the Texas Bar in 2004, Jeff's passion extends beyond the courtroom as a private pilot and outdoor enthusiast, enjoying travel, boating, and skiing with his family.

Expert Lawyers for Landlord-Tenant Issues: Secure Your Lease Agreement with Legal Advice

When it comes to lease agreements and tenant-related issues, seeking legal guidance is crucial. These agreements form the basis of the landlord-tenant relationship, defining the rights and responsibilities of each party. By obtaining professional advice during the negotiation and drafting of lease agreements, you can protect your interests and ensure fair and favorable terms. In [...]

By |July 13th, 2023|Real Estate Law|Comments Off on Expert Lawyers for Landlord-Tenant Issues: Secure Your Lease Agreement with Legal Advice

How Does a Short Sale Work and What Are Its Benefits?

When it comes to owning a property, unforeseen circumstances such as job loss, medical emergency, or other financial hardships can make it difficult to keep up with mortgage payments. For homeowners in this situation, a short sale may be a viable option to avoid foreclosure and potential financial ruin. A short sale is a process [...]

By |May 18th, 2023|Real Estate Law|Comments Off on How Does a Short Sale Work and What Are Its Benefits?

When Should I Hire a Real Estate Lawyer in Texas?

Buying or selling a property is one of the biggest financial decisions many people make in their lifetime. In fact, the past few years have seen a decided boom in residential real estate sales with many people investing in real property for the first time. Although there seems to be a slowing down in existing [...]

By |May 11th, 2023|Real Estate Law|Comments Off on When Should I Hire a Real Estate Lawyer in Texas?

What Can You Do to Get Out of a Builder Contract?

Building a home can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it's not without its challenges. Since it’s a significant investment, many people choose to work with a builder to bring their dream home to life. However, sometimes things don’t go as planned, and there can be unforeseen circumstances where you're no longer satisfied with [...]

By |March 16th, 2023|Construction Law|Comments Off on What Can You Do to Get Out of a Builder Contract?

How to Use Deeds to Transfer Real Estate

Did you find the right buyer for your home listed in the real estate market? Whether selling a house or any other real estate, Texas law requires you to transfer your ownership to the other party in order to complete the deal. A “deed” is a legal document that refers to you as the "seller" [...]

By |March 10th, 2023|Real Estate Law|Comments Off on How to Use Deeds to Transfer Real Estate

What Is a Loan Modification? Everything Borrowers Need to Know

Mortgages are loans that make it easier for many potential buyers to purchase their dream homes. Unfortunately, some homeowners get into a situation where they cannot repay the loan due to unforeseen circumstances. To prevent borrowers from defaulting on their loans, lenders introduced a process called loan modification. The term may seem simple, but there [...]

By |December 1st, 2022|Real Estate Law|Comments Off on What Is a Loan Modification? Everything Borrowers Need to Know

Common Types of Neighbor Disputes

Living close to someone is not always the easiest. You might have good relations with your neighbors most of the time, but there are usually some instances when you just don't see eye to eye. If you've ever had an issue with a lousy neighbor, you are not alone, Most Americans dislike their neighbors, and 42% of [...]

By |November 28th, 2022|Personal Injury|Comments Off on Common Types of Neighbor Disputes

10 Common Legal Issues Faced By Small Businesses

Irrespective of the size of the business, legal issues can arise for many reasons. A small business may face issues because of a misunderstanding within the company, a dispute among partners, or an issue with small business clients. Legal issues can pose a significant hurdle and prevent a business from functioning smoothly. Therefore, it's essential [...]

By |October 31st, 2022|Business Law|Comments Off on 10 Common Legal Issues Faced By Small Businesses

What Does a Property Attorney Do?

Buying and selling real estate is not a simple transaction. It’s a legal transfer of property from one party to another. Due to the legal facet of this transaction, it is crucial to consult with a property attorney who is able to take care of all the legal requirements for a smooth transfer of ownership [...]

By |October 25th, 2022|Real Estate Law|Comments Off on What Does a Property Attorney Do?

6 Elements of a Successful Contract

Austin, Texas continues to thrive as one of the top American tech hubs with a rapidly growing business climate. With so many new startups, company expansions, business transactions, and more taking place, the need for comprehensive and well-written contracts are rising. A contract can make or break a deal, meaning every business must ensure that [...]

By |September 30th, 2022|Business Law|Comments Off on 6 Elements of a Successful Contract